Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL

ISBN: 978-0-470-39244-7
176 pages
July 2009
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Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL provides any ACL user, from novice to expert, with the scripts and background knowledge to unleash the full power of ACL against fraud. The text includes a CD with 36 ACL scripts specifically designed to detect possible fraud. Within minutes, you will be running efficient, customizable tests including: expanded versions of the standard ACL Gaps and Duplicates commands; Ratio testing for frequently occurring names, codes, addresses or amounts; Digit frequency testing using Benford’s Law; and much more!

The text includes a self-study guide to developing ACL applications with step by step instructions and exercises to take experienced ACL users to the next level. The text also includes a CD with useful utility scripts to perform analysis not possible without advanced programming – such as running totals.

The text also includes an Educational version of ACL software and data files; allowing users to practice and perfect their analysis skills.

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This article has 1 Comment

  1. I purchased the Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL. I am writing to inquire about any modifications/updates for windows 10. Also, if you have a tutorial or training video, I will like to get it.

    Thank you.

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